Develop your own psychic and healing gifts
Annette is a teacher and mentor to those seeking to develop their own intuitive and healing gifts. She offers a variety of classes, workshops and retreats focusing on different aspects of the metaphysical world.
Multi-level Intuitive Development classes offered
For those of you who are just becoming aware of and learning to trust your intuition and for those who are looking to explore and further advance your intuitive abilities, Annette’s classes have something for everyone!
Intuitive Tuesday Class
In-person class!
When: Tuesdays – 5pm to 6:30pm
Where: Helping You Heal Center
Class fee: $20.
This interactive, in-person Intuitive Development class will focus on various topics that allow you to practice and further advance your intuitive abilities and learn more about the amazing world of energy!
Drop-in class / Everyone is welcome, so join us when you feel the nudge!
Classes are held every week unless otherwise noted.
Online Interactive Thursday Class
Online via Zoom!
When: Thursdays – 5:30pm to 6:30pm
Where: Online via Zoom
Class fee: $20.
The Thursday evening Intuitive Development online classes are open to anyone interested in exploring the amazing world of energy and intuition! Each class is interactive, focusing on various topics that help you develop your own intuitive abilities.
Online classes are held every week unless otherwise noted.
All are welcome! Join us when you feel the nudge!
If you are interested in participating, please submit payment via PayPal* to receive the Zoom link/password required to join!
(Payments received after 5:20pm on day of class will be applied to the following week’s class.)
*Note: If you do not have a PayPal account, you can still submit your payment through PayPal by selecting the option to “Pay with Debit or Credit Card” – Thank you!

Weekend Workshops with Annette!
Are YOU ready to invest in yourself and take the next step along your Spiritual journey?!
Register for a high frequency Weekend Workshop at the Helping You Heal Center for the opportunity to refine and heighten your intuitive awareness at an energeticistic level!
♦ Psychic Workshops! ♦
♦ Energy Healing Workshops! ♦